Martin airshow is a combination of sound and flight.
His daughter Klara or friend Aron play a sophisticated arrangement of the piano
He begins with a 45° 4 point rolling line of white smoke that falls into a full developed Flat Spin.
After recovering he will enter a straight downward line to pull out with +8 Gs and enter a half upward loop.
The eagle will powerstall at the end of the loop into an Inverted Flat Spin, exposing Martin to around 4 negative Gs.
He will stop the spin, dive vertical and accelerate to 210mph. After a pull out with +6 Gs he will fly horrizontal again.
Next will be a hammerhead with two 2 1/4 vertical rolls to present the red eagle to the audience.
It will be followed by a loop . It will be flown below stall speed as it is a zero gravity maneuver.
This is continued by various gorgeous figures such as a multiple snaps, tumbels, loops, a shark tooth and humpties. Martin will fly a cuban eight with two 1/2 rolls and a fishtail right in the center of the box. This will position him for two low passes in inverted and in knife-edge from both sides of the runway. He will then land in front of the audience.
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